For our part, we do our best to protect our brand, and combating the counterfeit goods both online and in retail is our top priority.
When you buy counterfeit products, you not only receive the substandard products, but also run the risk of demonstrating your support for illegal activities such as criminal networks and child labor.
We have a dedicated Intellectual Property Team that constantly monitors the internet and makes every effort to ensure that all fake Weestep products are removed from the websites. In addition, working closely with police and customs helps to ensure that counterfeit children’s shoes are detected before they appear on the market.
We want you to be pleased with our brand.
To reduce the risk of fraud, when buying online, consider the following points, as they may indicate that the site is selling fake products:
If you are unsure of any particular site, or have information about a site that sells fake Weestep, products, please contact our customer service
We take your inquiries and information very seriously.